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Women's Wellness [Tips from a Dietitian]: Your Health During the Middle Age Years

Updated: Aug 25, 2022

I'm not referring to the 15th Century Europe Middle Ages, I'm referring to OUR middle age years, which are our 40s - 50s. Middle age certainly sounds better than "Over the Hill", which I generally find insulting because the middle age years are full of life and vitality!

Comparing the human age to periods of time, I like to consider the middle age years more like the Renaissance period, which is French for "rebirth." Yes, that sounds so much better, and I believe it better describes the middle age years, which are often years of transition and change.

As with every phase of life, middle age brings about challenges, including health challenges. Suddenly, it is recommended you go to more yearly health screenings, and there may be a few more mysterious aches and pains- all because we are getting a little older.

Maybe you still feel like you are 30, and that’s great! Even if you don’t feel any older or have ailments, you should still prioritize your health and get regular check-ups. Being proactive with health sets you on a path to achieving wellness for many years to come.

Women’s Health and Wellness During Middle Age

With every phase of life, there are health challenges, and that is certainly true of the middle-aged period. This is a time you may still be raising a family, working, and you possibly have aging parents that require attention.

Often, we are caregivers to so many while also trying to juggle our daily lives. Sometimes, as a result, our own health suffers. The middle age years are not a good time to ignore your health.

Like it or not, and I don't like it, as we grow older- we have more ailments and are more likely to develop disease. This does not mean we should just give up and wave the white flag- quite the opposite.

So, are we truly, "Over the Hill"? Certainly not, but we are stretched to our limits with time, stressed, and likely to ignore our health. This is absolutely the wrong time to make that mistake!

During the middle age years, you really need to start talking to your healthcare providers and making women's wellness a priority. You may have gotten away with ignoring your health in your 20s, but times are changing.

Don't skip those annual check-ups and prevention screenings. Get the mammograms, colonoscopies (I know, I know), and whatever else they want to poke and prod you with because it just might save your life.

Middle-Aged Ailments

Have you noticed your joints starting to hurt and you feel a little stiff waking up in the morning? Perhaps you have started to have mysterious digestive issues like bloating. If you are struggling with digestive problems, check out Heal Your Gut.

During the middle age years, you may have difficulty managing weight due to hormonal changes or hypothyroidism, and cholesterol levels may start moving in the wrong direction.

On top of all that, perimenopause usually begins when one is in their 40s, and menopause follows a few years later (1). The transition to menopause can feel like a roller coaster, and hormone changes impact digestion, bone health, mood, and weight (just to name a few).

These health issues are manageable, but often we don't know how to deal with them. With age, ideal health becomes more challenging- our 20s were forgiving, but our 40s and 50s require a bit more of a defensive approach.

Tips to Achieve Wellness

  1. Optimize nutrition by including more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your diet

  2. Be physically active; small amounts of daily activity make a big difference

  3. Get enough sleep and rest

  4. Prioritize your mental health and practice self-care

  5. Visit your healthcare provider for regular well visits and screenings

Final Thoughts

Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. It is never too late to begin a healthier lifestyle, and once you start making changes, you will feel better. Improving your food and nutrition intake can begin with small steps, like eating more vegetables. Nutrition is key to health, longevity, and quality of life.

Instead of "Over the Hill" or worse, think of the middle age years as a true Renaissance. You can have a rebirth of your health- it is definitely not too late- you just might need a little help.

Adding a registered dietitian to your healthcare team can help you achieve your health and wellness goals. I promise, I don't poke or prod, and compared to a colonoscopy, you'll look forward to our visits!

Amy Pendleton Kay, MBA, RD, LD

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